Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why I HATE Calorie Count

I don't mean "counting calories." I'm referring to the weight loss site by the name.

I recently went back to CalorieCount.About.com to see what changes they'd made so I could refer people to them. Not everyone will love Lose It!  and the idea is to get people to find a site that works for them. They used to be CalorieCount and were acquired by About.com is my understanding. BAD MOVE.  GAME OVER CALORIE COUNT.

I saw they had changed their website and now offer a nutritionist's review either weekly, or monthly, for a fee of course.

It SEEMED reasonable...the first 7 days were free, and you could even sign up for free and get your initial report, then discontinue your plan after you got the free report! Well, I NEVER got the free report, so at Day 6 I went to cancel my plan because they didn't deliver what they promised.

And guess what? THERE IS NO "END CONTRACT," or "STOP PLAN" button. THEY HIDE IT SO YOU WON'T FIND IT!! And if you can't find it, you can't quit. After more than an hour of clicking through every link remotely related to stopping my plan I finally, I thought, managed to "UNSUBSCRIBE." I say, "THOUGHT" because there was no confirmation, or email that I had. I blocked the slimy bastards on my credit card so they couldn't charge me anyway, just in case, and I wrote EVERY email address I could find...even using the asterisked "F" bomb in one I was so angry. There is NO phone number on the site (but they may put one up after they read this, sneaky, uncaring people they are) to contact customer service and no one responded to NUMEROUS tweets, or emails, none of them happy tweets.

What I HATE about sites like Calorie Count is that they're only after the consumer dollar. I noticed it's now IMPOSSIBLE to post anything negative on the site. Everything is a check box or radio button. You may THINK you're in a supportive community, and you may find like minds, but you're very tightly controlled.

So, think TWICE before joining Calorie Count and NEVER give them your credit card. Buy a pre-paid debit card for ONE month's service so you don't get dinged and dinged and dinged while you argue with them over cancelling your account. Weight Watchers does this too. You have to call and talk to a sales person who is HIGHLY trained to talk you OUT of leaving their program. The Weight Loss industry PREYS on people trying to lose weight. They only want your money and they know you'll give it to them. SCREW THE WEIGHT LOSS INDUSTRY!! 

I'm sorry to say Lose It! may, in time, be unable to resist the temptation to fleece people, but I'm hoping they prove me wrong.

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