
No, I don't work for Lose It! I'm not a moderator. I'm just a member there (it's FREE to join and belong). No one asked me to do this. I do graphics, websites and copy writing, and create ebooks and promotional collateral for a living. That's why this site might appear a little different than your usual blog! That said...

WHY Lose It! Works

Lose It! Works because it doesn't forbid ANY food. That's right. You can eat Twinkies and ice cream if you want, but only to the number of calories you're allowed in a day. Love bread? I do. I can have bread. I can have chocolate. I can have soda. I can have whatever food I love, crave and want as long as I only eat 1,500 calories a day. "That's crazy!" You say. Yes. But it's also why it works. Because eventually you figure out that you can have five sodas and a baloney sandwich if you want, but that's about all you can eat all day. When you start looking at the calories something has you can quickly figure out that you CAN have what you want, if you PLAN for it in your daily meals. So, if I want ice cream for dessert, I eliminate bread with my soup at lunch. It's all about juggling calories.

Most of us stop dieting because we can't get used to eating different foods. We like our food like it is. With Lose It! YOU are in control of what you eat. If you'd rather have 100 or 500 calories worth of M&Ms rather than a salad, small steak and veggies on the side, then you can! EAT what you want, but count the calories of what you eat. Simple eh? NO eliminating your comfort food. NO giving up meat for TOFU. No food is bad. You're not in a race to lose weight fast. You're just exercising and burning more calories than you take in. That's how and WHY Lose It! works.

Anyway, I've tried a LOT of different ways to lose weight, but this is unlike ANY application or site out there. It's called http://loseit.com. There are a LOT of great sites where you can go to "count calories," and get support, but Lose It is simple. You don't get lost in forums (unless you want to) or in filling out a lot of complex forms or recipes.

With the FREE LOSE IT APP you simply scan the barcode of the item you're eating and the app inputs all the calories and info. Less typing and writing and tracking. Click on the link in orange and it will take you right to where you can download the app FREE.

It's the easiest to navigate too. I've tried Calorie Count, Spark People, Biggest Loser, Body For Life, Transformations and so on. What happened was I spent more time socializing and talking about my weight than I did just working out and losing weight!

Why I love Lose It!

There are a LOT of reasons why I love Lose It! but here are the main reasons:

  •  Scan in the barcode of the item you're eating and the FREE Lose It! App does the data entry work
  • Simple and easy to use. NO formulas, just count calories.
  • I can eat the FOODS I LOVE and I don't have to give up anything! It's about the calories, not the food!
  • Colorful icons that make it feel fun
  • Food items are easy to find, add to your daily calorie count and understand
  • Make your own recipes so you only add food ONCE (other sites do this, but Lose It is the easiest to use and apply) 
If you want to lose weight, I strongly recommend Lose It! If you don't like it, then try some of the other sites like Calorie Count, Spark People, and Body for Life or Transformations. Just find a place that makes YOU feel comfortable, safe and welcomed. Until you feel safe you won't lose the weight. If you have to do too much and it takes too much time to write or type everything in, you'll give up on it. I know. I've been there. Find some way to write down EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth, even a piece of gum. The secret to weight loss is IN THE NUMBERS. You have to eat less and burn more calories a day than you take in, in a day.


 No matter what any weight loss program tells you, it's all about the calories. They may calculate the calories in certain foods and call them "POINTS" or whatever, but it's STILL about the calories.

ONE POUND= 3,500 calories  

To lose the 100 pounds I want to lose I have to burn 350,000 Calories! WOW!! When you consider that an HOUR of exercise = 200 to 700 calories (lets average it to 350), that's 1,000 HOURS of working out to lose that much weight. If I combine it with a reduction in caloric INTAKE of 500 calories a day, I can lose ONE pound of weight a week, JUST by reducing my caloric intake beneath what my body needs to function in a day.

How many calories does my body need in a day?

To lose weight you need to find out how many calories you now require to maintain your current weight. To do that, weigh yourself, then multiply your weight by 10. For instance: I weighed 238 pounds when I started. To maintain that weight I need to eat 2,380 calories a day. To lose weight I simply reduce the number of calories by 500 or more, but NEVER going beneath 1,200 calories a day.

If you weigh:

300 pounds = You need to eat 3,000 calories a day to maintain a 300 pound weight.
250 pounds = You need to eat 2,500 calories a day to maintain a 250 pound weight.
185 pounds = You need to eat 1,850 calories a day to maintain a 185 pound weight.

To LOSE weight you reduce the number of calories you consume (EAT) in a day:

300 pounds = 2,000 calories a day = 4 pound weight loss a week.
250 pounds = 1,000 calories a day = 2 pound weight loss a week.
185 pounds = 1,200 calories a day = 1.3 pound weight loss a week.

Notice that the more weight you lose, the harder it is to lose big because you simply hit a point in your calorie intake that you can't drop below (1,200) without health risks. So, you have to add exercise to the mix. That's how The Biggest Losers are able to shed so much weight so fast! They work out 6-10 HOURS a day! Yeah. And Bob and Julian or whoever the trainer of the day is, aren't there for that whole 6 hours. They have to motivate THEMSELVES.

If you're burning 300 calories an hour (walking, aerobics, running, swimming etc.) then you're burning an additional 2,100 calories a week. But remember, it takes 3,600 calories to make a pound.

For more on this, check out the "Secrets" page!

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