Sunday, March 3, 2013

Down to 207

207!! Wow! The pounds are falling off!

Okay. I admit I'm getting a little nervous. I didn't think losing weight would be this easy. 

My secret to fast weight loss? I GAVE UP SODAS. I noticed a drop in my temper IMMEDIATELY when I stopped the soda. Apparently there are mean drunks, and mean sugar addicts too. Alcohol and sugar affect the body in the same way metabolically and chemically so it makes sense. I feel less tense and wound up when I am not drinking 3-6 sodas a day...about 1,000 to 3,000 calories A DAY. No wonder I'm losing!

Yes. It's that easy. I also quit eating bread, dairy (cheese, milk), and potatoes. I ate a LOT of potatoes. They were cheap and there were a thousand ways to fix them...and I did. I didn't realize how many calories there are in ketchup, and then when I slathered them with butter...well, not good. I had crackers and toast with EVERYTHING...but have given that up too.

My diet now consists of portion controlled sizes, a gallon or more of water a day (HUGE HELP), tea instead of coffee with SIX spoons of sugar and a 1/3 cup of cream. Yeah...I know. Insane. I eat a ton of protein, mostly fish (talipia, shrimp, clams, tuna) and 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day. I juice too—both greens and fruit! And I have a BIG bowl of popcorn every night too. LOTS of fiber in my diet!

I'm STARTING to exercise more, but it's hard. When I do exercise I pay for it the next three days with my fibromyalgia flareups.  

I've tried Splenda, blended Splenda and all the alternative sweetners, but they don't do it for me. So I'm back to sugar. I use a tablespoon of organic brown sugar in my morning oatmeal, and when I have grapefruit chunks that are too bitter. But I'm weaning off of that. The goal is NOT to deny yourself everything good, but to limit what you take in. If having 2-5 teaspoons of sugar a day helps me eat healthy, then I'll have them.

Slow and steady!!

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