Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wow! 209?! UNBELIEVABLE! And all I've done is cut out soda, bread, potatoes and reduce my portion sizes. I admit. I'm scared. This has been SO easy (I've had my binge days), that I wonder if it's cancer (Strike that!). But, it's a steady 1-2 pound loss a week. NOT unusual. I'm not exercising much. Walking about 10-15 minutes a day, and not every day at that.

I've moved through a LOT of emotional stuff, and I've prayed a lot. I really think trusting God with my eating this time has made a difference. So I'm going to trust Him MORE. Like, when I get these cravings for sugar. I am SO ADDICTED to sugar. Very hard to resist. I'm like an alcoholic...I get it now. I don't drink because of alcoholism in my family, but my body/genetics respond to sugar like it was alcohol. I get "high" from ingesting sugar. It makes me feel GOOD! But, I'm cutting it out...or trying to. I'm using a splenda/sugar blend. Eventually I want to give up ALL sugar except that I get from fruit.

Not much to say today except "Hurray!!!"

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