Saturday, February 2, 2013

I haven't been posting regularly, but that doesn't mean I haven't been working out, or losing weight! I'm down a WHOLE SIX POUNDS IN ONE DAY! Yay! I haven't lost all week and thought I was on a plateau. But then I went to see my tax gal [stress, stress, stress] and today I dropped six pounds.

I've also started taking my thyroid pills again, as well as J.Crow's Lugol's Solution. (see the links from Amazon below if you want more info.) I have always had "low normal" thyroid issues. I've been to more doctors than  I can remember, even holistic ones (who charged more and did less). I have all the signs of a poorly functioning thyroid on top of having an official medical diagnosis of "low normal":

  • Depression
  • Muscle and Joint aches 
  • Weakness in the arms
  • Plantars fasciitis in your feet
  • Anxiety
  • Hair loss, thinning hair or hair that is brittle and coarse
  • Bowel problems, either constipated or diarrhea
  • Dry skin, or skin that is coarse, rough and scaly
Because Synthroid, the prescription thyroid solution, must be prescribed by a doctor, and most doctors blindly follow TEST results rather than actually EXAMINING THE PATIENT and OBSERVING THE SIGNS IN THE BODY and using test results in an intelligent way....I had to self-diagnose and medicate. After noticing that all these low thyroid symptoms go away or reduce after taking Lugol's (also OTC -Over the Counter) and Raw Adrenal, I had that "aha" moment and said, "I'm onto something here."

I also have cut out sodas, (3-5 a DAY (2,300 calories or so) ) and am only drinking 3-4 a WEEK (and still weaning from them). My goal is to be soda free this month. To maintain a 243 pound weight loss I'd have to be taking in about 2,400 calories. But I'm eating between 1,200 and 1,500 calories a day. I'm sustaining a two-pound a week loss, which is healthy and good, but it feels crazy!

I'm also eating oatmeal for breakfast every day...usually with chopped dates and almond milk on it. I eat 2-3 HUGE salads a day and have made beans a staple in my diet. I'm walking 15 minutes a day and slowly building lifting weights into my schedule.

I'm NOT doing anything radical. When I make a mistake, or give into temptation, I say, "Well, that wasn't good. But get back on track." No guilt or beating myself up. Forgive yourself and focus on the goal again. Don't hate yourself! Be PROUD that you're making progress!

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