
I bet you haven't even read ANYTHING on this website have you? You went RIGHT to the pictures page, curious to see how much weight I've lost, or how fat I am and how far I have to go! I know you. You're like 99% of every one in the world — addicted to before and after photos. How do I know this? Because I am too.

That said, I have NO photos of me at 238 because I started this blog AFTER I started losing. However, I'm in the process of adding photos (here and in my daily blog posts) and if you keep checking back, you'll see how I'm doing!

This is me in 2009, at about 230 pounds. Yeah, It's cropped to eliminate the stomach. But you can see the fat face. That's my dog. I had to have her put down this year (age 13) due to pancreatitis from eating Food Lion dog food. I usually fed her the good stuff I ordered online, but ran out and got a bag of Food Lion brand and it sent her into organ failure. I felt, and still feel guilty. It's another food related disaster for me...Food Lion responded with a form letter, not even a signature, to tell me the food wasn't poisoned, and had no fungus etc. , but the vet said, "It's something she ate," and the fact is, the only thing she ate differently was Food Lion dog food.  It was another reminder that bad food (nutrionally) can kill you.

I'll be adding different photos of me at different ages, but I have to find them first. Like most fat people, we don't like photos of ourselves and we sure don't like posting them on the Internet!

Me at 209 pounds on March 15, 2013. Yeah, the wind is blowing my thinning hair back, but I can see a thinner face, even if only a few others can! Full body photos later! One pound at a time.

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