Saturday, March 16, 2013


I'm holding at 209 pounds! Yeah! Another 10 pounds to go to break the 200 mark—my nemesis. Every time I get close to 200 I freak and eat. Like, I just finished having a Subway sandwich, with chips, a soda and a Hershey bar. I had less than 600 calories yesterday and that's all I've had today. Why? I'm on a new medication for fibromyalgia that kills any appetite. I have to force myself to eat, and am not at all interested in cooking because the smell makes me nauseaous. So I went to the grocery store to get cat food for the cats, and Subway is next

Still not working out. The medication helps with energy, but I'm also very euphoric (nice word for "smashed" when I take it. I worry. But mostly I'm being cautious and lazy.

I need to stop overthinking and focus on baby steps.

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