Saturday, September 1, 2012

Headache from HELL!!!

headache |ˈhedˌāk|
a continuous pain in the head.
• informal a thing or person that causes worry or trouble; a problem : an administrative headache.

It's midnight. I went to bed at 9 p.m., a decent hour considering I usually hit the rack about 3 a.m. I just woke up with the headache from hell. My first thought was, "I'm having a stroke!" My second thought was, "I hope it's over fast because this is killing me."

I'm not sure why, when it's something that's probably life-threatening, that we find reasons to believe it is NOT serious, but when it's something not serious, we make it into something life threatening. Anyway...I can barely move it hurts so much. So I got up and fixed a coffee. I'm pretty sure it's caffeine withdrawal.

One of the things I DON'T like about losing weight is how vigorously the body resents giving up its fat. Headaches. Bodyaches. Teeth Grinding (which may also be the cause of the headache.). Gas. I know. I know. It's just readjusting, but it sucks. Those who can overcome this week of discomfort often find that the body, having realized you're not going to capitulate to its temper tantrums, will relent and even look forward to phase two - introducing exercise.

I've lost five pounds so far. Only 95 Pounds to go. I'm going to order an Urban Rebounder ASAP. Only $99 plus shipping. That's a dollar a pound. I'll remind myself of that every time I jump on it. In the meantime, I'm taking some aspirin and pouring this coffee down the drain and drinking some water. If you don't see any posts here for a week or so, I was probably wrong about it being a caffeine headache.

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