Sunday, September 2, 2012

Well, I either gained 3 pounds eating fewer than my allotted calories, or I'm retaining water, or the scale is wonky. Either way, I'm not letting it ruin my day. Tomorrow's numbers will be down I'm sure.

That's one of the advantages of weighing yourself everyday. You learn that your weight DOES fluctuate day-to-day, and that you are NOT a number. If you go at it with the right attitude, that losses are wins, and that not losing, or gaining for no apparent reason are just part of the process, it can be empowering.

I spent the day rearranging my bedroom so I could move in my rebounder and hopefully a small home gym. The one at the left is a Gold's Gym XRS 30 System and, believe it or not, is only $197. Yeah. Blew me away too. With 45 reviews on Walmart's site it has a 4 out of 5 rating. I'm going to start saving for it and in a month or so maybe I can swing that to add to the cardio mix. First off I'm getting the rebounder though. (for more info on equipment, see my equipment page).

It's raining, still. It's rained all day, so this has been a great day for getting ready to work hard. My calves are hurting from the stair stepper I started yesterday. I got all my dumbbells out today and have started doing some curls and flys. I'll post all my workouts and routines under WORKOUTS of course (see the menu bar above). So, it's coming together. Once the mess is off the floor and it doesn't look like a tornado blew through here I'll get some photos uploaded too! I promise!

1 comment:

  1. It's a marathon, not a race. When you think about numbers, consider more than the numbers on the scale--what about the number of days? As you point out, water retention or other factors can affect the scale numbers. Rather than focusing sights day-by-day, widen the lens. Consider adding a certain number of days to any weight gain or loss before making changes.

    If you gain 3 pounds for more than 4ish days, you're likely looking at real weight. If you flux 3 up and down, you may be looking at water retention and elimination inconsistencies.
