Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Girl, You Need a Cheeseburger

I went to Walmart the other night and bought a copy of Jillian Michaels DVD, "Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30." It's cheaper at, but only by about .30 cents. If you click on the link above and actually go to Amazon and buy it then I'll make .10 cents. By the time I've lost that 100 pounds I'll be able to pay off the DVD! Woohoo!

Anyway, I sat down and finished off the last of the ice cream (within my calorie budget for the day) and watched Week One of hell with Jillian Michaels to see what I'm in for tomorrow. It looked pretty easy, or at least pretty do-able, so that means it will KICK MY BUTT and I will cry like a little girl and inhale aspirin for a week and wish I was a drinker. Or I'll ice my knee and do it again the next day and the next and the next until I too am "ripped," or all my hair falls out and I look like the naked cat in the picture.

 Anyway, after I watched Week One I watched Week Four. I gulped. I hurt just watching it. Jillian is famed for her sadistic and mean workouts and she doesn't disappoint anyone who's willing to spend $9.85 for her DVD. Her motto?

"Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going."

~ Jillian Michaels

I don't think exercise OR weight loss needs to be so dramatic, but that's Jillian and The Biggest Loser culture.  They've beaten it into our heads that weight loss has to hurt and involve a lot of drama. I don't think it does, unless you're creating a hit reality show where the ends justifies the means. I think weight loss can be painful (in a good way), but it doesn't have to be shameful. If you want to get someone to EMBRACE something, you don't make them hate it, or you, first. There's a lot to be said for being humble. Then again, the woman gets results. Can't argue with results.

Anyway, I'm kind of like that calico cat in the photo. I think the cat is right. Her friend does need a cheeseburger...maybe several. I'm not in this to develop an eating disorder, or rather a DIFFERENT eating disorder (emotional eating is a disorder I think). I'm in it to get energy back. I moved a 10-pound barbell when I was cleaning the other day and I thought, "Whoa!! I've lost 8 pounds. Two more pounds and THIS is how much weight I will have lost and how much I've been dragging around all this time! No wonder I don't have any energy! I'm dragging around TEN of these dumb bells EVERY DAY!" It was a shock.

Okay, I'll let you know how the workout goes. She includes a 30-day "diet" plan too. She has like 10 different breakfasts, lunches and dinners and both vegan and meat choices to chose from. And you eat like a pig, er queen, too. I'll post my favorites from the plan under recipes so you can try them along with me, or not!

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