Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Down ONE pound!

I've lost ONE pound of fat. I'm sure it's a combination of body waste, water weight and some fat, maybe not totally 100% fat, but the scale says, "237" so I'm taking it. That is NOT my hand, nor my fat, but the photo I found at efficientfitnessllc.com . Thank you!

What's different about my weight loss this time around is I'm going to lose it ONE POUND at a time. That way I have 100 SUCCESSES over the next year or so. And it's a lot easier to say, "I'm going to lose a pound," instead of "I've gotta lose 100 pounds." It's a mental thing.

So, that's what ONE pound looks like. I remember the day Oprah Winfrey pulled a wagon of fat onstage on her television show. It showed off ALL the weight she'd lost and wow. It was impressive! She looked GREAT!! So, visuals can help. I have a visual, er....photo of me in shorts. It scares and depresses me more than it motivates me, so I try not to look at it. When I'm skinny and gorgeous - except for the 9 square feet of excess skin I'll have hanging off of me, I'll post it here with a plea for donations for the skin removal surgery.

Anyway, I really can't afford to buy these little plastic replicas...they're $36 per pound on Amazon.com. Or, you can buy them at Anatomy Warehouse for $21.14. I'm spending all my money on fresh fruit and produce. It's expensive to be thin and eat healthy, so my skin surgery will have to wait. Here's what the Amazon and Anatomy fat looks like. If I had one of these I'd be thinking more about the waste of $21.14 plus shipping than I would what it looks like. Gross though isn't it?:

I'm proud of myself for not breaking down and running to the store to buy Mr. Pibb and chocolate doughnuts after the toilet clogged up yesterday and I spent $47 (my grocery money) to buy an assortment of toilet snakes, plungers and chemicals to unclog the darn thing. Sigh. Today was another day from hell and I did get out to the car and sat in it thinking about the doughnuts, and the soda. Then I thought, "No, deal with it. You're stressed, but food is not the answer." So I got out of the car, came back in and ate a peach and drank a glass of water. And that's how it works, whether you're on a diet or not. Life is stressful, but self-medicating with food, soda, alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping or gambling or whatever your choice of addiction is, isn't helpful. Feel the pain. Deal with it.

Okay, so ONE POUND DOWN. 99 pounds to go. Feeling good. I can do this.

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